Arunachal Pradesh government will set up Institute for Transforming Arunachal (ITA) with the help of NITI Aayog to take the development of the state to the next level. This was disclosed by Chief Minister Pema Khandu in a social media post. Mr Khandu held a meeting in Itanagar yesterday to discuss the formation of the ITA in presence of Deputy Chief Minister Chowna Mein. Mr Khandu said that the Institute for Transforming Arunachal would act as transformation leader for the state, provide assistance to various departments to advance their development strategies and unlock their potential.
He added that the Institute will help build an ecosystem for knowledge platform for further learnings. In another social media post, the chief minister emphasized that a repository of authentic database of state’s citizens is a must for efficient and quick delivery of social and other benefits to the genuine beneficiaries. He said that the government is exploring avenues to create robust database with family as a unit for timely and correct delivery of social security benefits.
Mr Khandu said that this will further boost the ease of living for the people and will have hassle-free access to various services. He said that leakages and spillovers will also be checked by bringing in more transparency and accountability in the system and service delivery mechanism.