India’s UPI services launched in Sri Lanka and Mauritius

India’s UPI services launched in Sri Lanka and Mauritius

India's Unified Payment Interface (UPI) services has been rolled out in Sri Lanka and Mauritius. Prime Minister Narendra Modi, President of Sri Lanka Ranil Wickremesinghe and Prime Minister of Mauritius Pravind Jugnauth witnessed the launch of UPI services in the island nations. The RuPay card services was also launched in Mauritius.

Speaking on the occasion, Mr Modi said, today is a special day for three friendly countries in the Indian Ocean region. He said, the historical relations are being connected in a modern digital way. The Prime Minister said, this is proof of the commitment to the development of people. He said, through Fintech connectivity, not only cross-border transactions but also cross-border connections will be strengthened. Mr Modi said, India's Unified Payments Interface UPI is now performing a new responsibility - Uniting Partners with India. He expressed confidence that Sri Lanka and Mauritius will benefit from UPI services. The Prime Minister said, Digital Public Infrastructure has brought about a revolutionary change in India. He said, even the smallest businessman in the smallest village is making digital payments because it has convenience as well as speed.

The Prime Minister said, India's policy is Neighborhood First. He said, India's maritime vision is SAGAR, Security And Growth for All in the Region. Mr Modi said, the goal is peace, security and development in the entire region. He added that India does not see its development in isolation from its neighbouring friends.

He said, During the COVID pandemic, through COWIN platform, India had run the world's largest vaccination drive. The Prime minister said, due to the use of technology, there is an increase in transparency and a reduction in corruption and the economy is also becoming more inclusive. He said, people are now trusting the government like never before.

In his address, Sri Lankan Prime Minister Ranil Wickremasinghe said, for thousands of years, payments have taken place between India and Sri Lanka. He said, museums in Sri Lanka hold a number of coins, south Indian coins of over one thousand years old, which have been found in different parts of villages or the dry zone. Mr Wickremasinghe said, it is an indication that the South Indian trading corporations were very active, even in the villages. He said, the initiative today is only upgrading it technologically. The Sri Lankan President said, as more and more Indian tourists visit Sri Lanka, this will be used in every village in Sri Lanka. He congratulated Mr Modi also for the opening of the Ram Mandir.

In his address, Mauritius Prime Minister Pravind Jugnauth said India and Mauritius share strong cultural, commercial and people-to-people linkages which date back centuries ago. He said, today yet another dimension has been added to this relationship. Mr Jugnauth announced that the Rupay card has been co-branded with national payment switch, the MoCAS will be designated as the domestic card in Mauritius. He said, one of the highlights of the G-20 meeting under the Indian presidency was the commitment to improve access to digital services and digital public infrastructure and leverage digital transformation opportunities to boost sustainable and inclusive growth.