Govt contemplating to make Tripura Organic farming hub; Govt targets 25661 hectares land under organic farming

Govt contemplating to make Tripura Organic farming hub; Govt targets 25661 hectares land under organic farming

In a significant drive towards boosting the agriculture sector of the state, the BJP-led coalition government in Tripura is contemplating to make the state organic farming hub with the state now targets 25661 hectares of land to be brought under organic farming.

Addressing a press conference here in the conference hall of the civil secretariat the state agriculture and farmers’ welfare minister Ratan Lal Nath said, “Recently the Centre has sanctioned at least 5500 hectares of land in Tripura for organic farming for the 2024-25 FY with which the total coverage area of the organic farming will rest at 25661 hectares of land within the 2025 Financial Year.”

“At present 8 percent of the total cultivable land in Tripura is under organic farming. The state government has set a target of 20 percent of this organic farming area in the future,” he said, adding that before 2018, the organic farming area in Tripura was 2 thousand hectares. The present state government has brought 18161 hectares of land under organic farming.

The agriculture minister further added that before 2018, the number of farmers practicing organic farming was 2,504 only which now rose to 19841. He further informed that the crops grown organically in the state are- fragrant paddy, pineapple, bell pepper, ginger, turmeric, cloves, lemon, betel nut etc.

He also said that due to the increase in production along with the increase in cultivation area, the state government has taken necessary initiatives to export the state produced organic crops abroad at higher prices.

A brand named as 'Tripura Organic', logo and packaging have already been designed for exporting the state produced products, he said, adding that the Kolkata's Big-Basket, Delhi's Mother Dairy, Simfed, Hyderabad's KCS Quality Inspection Pvt Ltd, Bihar's Jitban Supply Chain Pvt Ltd, Bangalore's Ikoa and Guwahati's AnGB Green, State's Parameswari Foods Pvt Ltd etc. will export the state's organic crops abroad.